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Getting started

Prisma-AppSync seamlessly transforms your Prisma Schema into a comprehensive GraphQL API, tailored for AWS AppSync.

From schema.prisma:

model Post {
    id         Int
    title      String

To full-blown GraphQL API:

query list {
  listPosts {

👉 Features

💎 Use your ◭ Prisma Schema
Quickly define your data model and deploy a GraphQL API tailored for AWS AppSync.

⚡️ Auto-generated CRUD operations
Using Prisma syntax, with a robust TS Client designed for AWS Lambda Resolvers.

Pre-configured security
Built-in XSS protection, query depth limitation, and in-memory rate limiting.

🔐 Fine-grained ACL and authorization
Flexible security options such as API keys, IAM, Cognito, and more.

🔌 Fully extendable features
Customize your GraphQL schema, API resolvers, and data flow as needed.

👉 Built around 4 packages


Generator for Prisma ORM, whose role is to parse your Prisma Schema and generate all the necessary components to run and deploy a GraphQL API tailored for AWS AppSync.


Think of it as Prisma Client for GraphQL. Fully typed and designed for AWS Lambda AppSync Resolvers. It can handle CRUD operations with just a single line of code, or be fully extended.


Interactive CLI tool that streamlines the setup of new Prisma-AppSync projects, making it as simple as running npx create-prisma-appsync-app@latest.


Local dev environment that mimics running Prisma-AppSync in production. It includes an AppSync simulator, local Lambda resolvers execution, a GraphQL IDE, hot-reloading, and authorizations.

Released under the BSD 2-Clause License.